Spotlighting South Asian creatives going against the grain

South Asian faces don’t tend to show up in creative spaces. And for the few who do pursue creative careers, they rarely find others like themselves to look up to.

The inaugural What Is This Behaviour? 101 seeks to flip that script, by putting a spotlight on 101 South Asian creatives who are individually smashing the tired old doctor/engineer/lawyer stereotype.

Much like the WITB podcast, WITB 101 seeks to reframe the cultural narrative around who South Asians can be today, and how they can collectively imagine themselves in generations to come.

In collaboration with
What Is This Behaviour? podcast

Editorial and profile research, including Editor’s Note
Copywriting - website, press release
Podcast contributor (Episode 74)

Browse all 101 profiles and find
my Editor’s Letter at witb101.com.

On the mic at the WITB 101 launch event

  Reflecting on the WITB 101 launch with the What Is This Behaviour? hosts


© Jayshree Viswanathan, 2024. All rights reserved.